Trip Report: LaBagh Woods - Oct. 6

By Jeff Skrentny

Began my Sunday with Katy and 4 very engaged birders joining us on the COS LaBagh walk.

For most of our walk it felt like we were working real hard to see any birds, with the exception of two locations, the southern part of the Weber Spur and in the floodplain just past the footbridge. Beyond that it was mostly quiet, meaning we spent time looking at a Muskrat, a Red Admiral and even some white jelly fungus. Ah, the things you might see on one of the LaBagh "bird walks." In the end my bird list for our walk was a respectable 33 species. Just felt we had to really work for each one of those species.

Was really great to meet Carolyn, Brenda, Antonio and Mary, and to share a 2.5 hour tour of LaBagh Sunday morning.

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